Monday, 30 May 2011

Wine & Cheese

 Mmm Wine and Cheese!
I would highly recommend taking a trip to the
 Garry Oaks Winery and The Salt Spring Island Cheese Factory & Shop!
The views from the winery are beautiful and I hear the wine is pretty good too ;)
The cheese factory was a lot of fun for the kids. There were lots of animals, then we were able to walk through on a tour of how they make the cheese, and to top it all off we got to test all the cheese we wanted and then sit in their beautiful courtyard and eat yummy frozen fruit bars!
What a treat!

I Dream of a Simple Life...

Just arrived home from a weekend on Salt Spring.
1000 pictures later, I returned with a greater appreciation for the simple life.
*A special thanks to my tour guide Jennfier Shaw for taking me around to all the beautiful sites!
These are a few of my favourites. Enjoy !

"To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life."
~John Burroughs

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

* Blossoms & Breezes *

She's Running...

She's running. It's early, it's quiet.
Just the sound of her feet on the asphalt.
She likes to run alone. No pressure, no stress.
This is the one place she can be herself.
Look any way she wants, dress and think any way she wants.
No game playing, no rules.

                                                       -Darcy Maguire
(from the movie What Women Want)

One of my very favorite quotes.
I couldn't have said it better myself.


Monday, 23 May 2011

Beauty in the small things...

Porteau Cove has a very special place in my heart. Growing up, my family camped here at the end of every summer for many years. Sometimes we camped right up until the night before another school year started.

This is a safe place for me.

 I took my camera yesterday and just followed my son around...
stopping to look at every little treasure he did.
You see things in a different light when you're looking through a child's eyes. Thanks for teaching me how to slow down and look at 
all the beauty in the small things little man.

The First Step

There is something unbelievably powerful about standing
on the tracks in the middle of nowhere.
You can't help but let your mind wander.
So many people have travelled these tracks on their journeys,
And here I stand on my journey.
In the middle of nowhere, yet somewhere significant.
Unsure of where my journey will take me,
I take the first step.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Little Rays of Sunshine

They inspire me, energize me, and make me smile. 
Meet my little rays of sunshine!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Magic of the Imagination

My children love being in costume more than anything...
and with the costume comes the character.
 I encourage and embrace this part of childhood...
it is magical!